CASHMAG 5R Automatic Cash Machine

An innovative solution designed to simplify cash management while strengthening the security of your business.

Faced with the challenges of security and inventory loss, the automatic cash machine proves to be the simple and effective answer to protect your transactions and optimize your returns.

By simplifying the management of your cash, this cash machine transforms your checkouts. Your sellers no longer need to prepare the cash funds or manually count them. Errors in change and hassles associated with checkouts are a thing of the past. In addition, the cash machine detects counterfeit bills and coins, eliminating the risk of fraudulent transactions.

Preserve the aesthetics of your store while strengthening security. The CASHMAG 5R consists of two large capacity modules, carefully integrated to blend harmoniously into your sales area. This clever design protects your staff from potential risks and ensures a neat presentation of your point of sale.

Security is an absolute priority. Weighing over 140 kg and with unshakable strength, this Automatic Cash Machine is presented as an impregnable fortress. Deterrence is at its peak, as robbers have little time to act and are faced with a machine firmly anchored to the ground. All operations, from inserting cash to secure storage in inaccessible collection boxes, are performed at the back of the machine and your sales counter. Your employees thus benefit from assured physical integrity, and your cash remains secure and away from view.

Efficiency is optimized thanks to a large storage capacity: up to 4000 coins and 780 bills. The intelligent change algorithm developed by CASHMAG guarantees an ultra-fast return time of 4 seconds. By ensuring optimal hygiene for your customers, this cash machine eliminates direct and repeated contact with coins and bills, making it a valuable asset for all types of businesses.

Transform your cash management with the CASHMAG 5R Automatic Cash Machine, the ideal ally for optimized and serene checkout.